Wednesday 2 March 2016

Weigh in day

This was so me this morning.. weigh in day!

To recap - this British Heart Foundation Diet,... which is nothing to do with the British Heart Foundation, claims 'lose 10lb in 3 days...' is what I have been doing in order to try to kickstart myself into a healthier way of life.  I started this on Sunday and religiously stuck to it, right the way through, no deviation at all, despite much grumbling from food receptors in Brain and taste buds often going into revolt, especially over the fruit parts.. but I DID IT!  

When I got up this morning, I have to say I didn't really FEEL any different, ok, maybe a bit more energy than in past days, so over to the scales I went, with my husband watching with interest.  On I hopped.... closed eyes and....

21st 13.. was the read out..  4lb gone.  No.. that can't be right... this diet said 'lose 10lb in 3 days' not.. you COULD lose UPTO  10lb in 3 days.  

Scales.. you LIE!!! 

So on I got again..

23st 13.. repeated the scales firmly in a no nonsense type of way.  Oh.. I'm thinking.. a tad deflated.  Yes ok. 4lb loss in 3 days IS good.. of course it is.. but I had hoped to lose more (don't we all think that every time we weigh?) 

Now what? 

So.. 3 days are up. I followed a regime which, although quite restricted, DID have results.  Now I'm let loose back into the wide bad world of food.. No that's not strictly true is it, as on day one, I realised it's not FOOD that's the enemy.. it's my brain which is now automatically back to wondering where the next meal is coming from and omg what am I going to eat!  

I have to plan now carefully over the next 3 days what is best to try to maintain this weight loss, eat sensibly.. and then next week I can try this again.   Should be interesting.  Watch this space :) Over and out for now whilst I go raid the fridge.. No no.. it's ok.. I'm not! lol 

1 comment:

  1. This is interesting since I just finished doing the 3 Day Military diet and I've lost around 5 pounds afterwards. It was a low carb diet and a set meal plan was in place to take the guesswork out of the right food combination. I learned portion control and calorie counting, not to mention the value of drinking a lot of water and exercising. When the diet was finished, I had the option to rest for 4 days and begin the diet again - which I did! The result was another 5 pounds lost, which pleased me a lot. For more information about how to do the diet, start here
