Saturday 5 March 2016

PART 2... same diet.. different days...


Morning! :)   Picture above is courtesy of the Internet, but... this is technically my breakfast this morning.

You see.. apparently you can use this diet for a couple of months, so it works out 3 days on, 3 days off, and I have to say this is working very well for me, as it meant I was very careful what I ate on my 'days off' and now ready to start again.

Remember.. when I finished it last week I had lost a total of 4lb.. slightly disappointing, when the write up says you can lose 10lb over the 3 days.. but heyho.. a loss is a loss!  My starting weight was 22st 3lb... after the 3 days I was 21st 13lb.  Today when I weighed, I had put 1lb ON.. bringing me back to 22st exactly.

I get the feeling that, if I continue this for the next month or two, it is 'easing' me into the idea of weight loss, rather than starting a 'fulltime' diet plan all at once.. which is where the Brain (..have you noticed.. it's rebelling!  I'm suspicious!)...generally goes into revolt.
...I quite agree!!


Very necessary, very important... very...BORING!!  According to guidelines, adults need about 2litres per day.  Some of you are fortunate, drinking water comes easily to you and you are often found with a cup/beaker/bottle of water always nearby.  Me??  Someone forgot to switch on the 'you're thirsty' sign in my brain as I have been known to only have say 1/2 litre, if that per day. I AM NEVER THIRSTY...
which I know causes lethargy, bloating, sluggishness.. and whole load of other things.  
I did drink  about 1 1/2litres on the last 3 days I was on this diet, then on my 'days off', I really struggled again even to drink 1 litre!  Today, I have the bottle beside me and forcing myself to take regular gulps.  It's natural to feel thirsty... we need water to survive.. so why don't I feel thirsty.... I have no idea.  'Some' say that when you feel 'hungry', it's not hunger, but thirst.. in which case the wires are crossed, surely. 

Looking forward now to my lunch which is 1 poached egg on 1 piece of toast. Catch you all later :) 

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Weigh in day

This was so me this morning.. weigh in day!

To recap - this British Heart Foundation Diet,... which is nothing to do with the British Heart Foundation, claims 'lose 10lb in 3 days...' is what I have been doing in order to try to kickstart myself into a healthier way of life.  I started this on Sunday and religiously stuck to it, right the way through, no deviation at all, despite much grumbling from food receptors in Brain and taste buds often going into revolt, especially over the fruit parts.. but I DID IT!  

When I got up this morning, I have to say I didn't really FEEL any different, ok, maybe a bit more energy than in past days, so over to the scales I went, with my husband watching with interest.  On I hopped.... closed eyes and....

21st 13.. was the read out..  4lb gone.  No.. that can't be right... this diet said 'lose 10lb in 3 days' not.. you COULD lose UPTO  10lb in 3 days.  

Scales.. you LIE!!! 

So on I got again..

23st 13.. repeated the scales firmly in a no nonsense type of way.  Oh.. I'm thinking.. a tad deflated.  Yes ok. 4lb loss in 3 days IS good.. of course it is.. but I had hoped to lose more (don't we all think that every time we weigh?) 

Now what? 

So.. 3 days are up. I followed a regime which, although quite restricted, DID have results.  Now I'm let loose back into the wide bad world of food.. No that's not strictly true is it, as on day one, I realised it's not FOOD that's the enemy.. it's my brain which is now automatically back to wondering where the next meal is coming from and omg what am I going to eat!  

I have to plan now carefully over the next 3 days what is best to try to maintain this weight loss, eat sensibly.. and then next week I can try this again.   Should be interesting.  Watch this space :) Over and out for now whilst I go raid the fridge.. No no.. it's ok.. I'm not! lol 

Tuesday 1 March 2016

Day 3 of 3 day diet


..But before I get to todays bits... lets return back to yesterday... to the OBSCENELY large amount of tuna and 5 crackers I had for lunch.. That was unreal!!  I'm sure there was a printing error on the amount of tuna required!  I managed most of it, I'm pleased to say.

Having read various reviews about this 'British Heart Foundation' Diet.. I learned a couple of things. One is that it isn't actually endorsed by the BHF as it apparently doesn't come from them!  Two.. yes people DO lose weight on it, and that it's meant as a 'kick up the backside' to help motivate people to carry on losing weight. and Three... boy are they right about feeling tired!!!!
So... midafternoon nap it was. Only intended to have an hour.. but it kinda stretched into two, but I did feel much better afterwards. The fact I then couldn't sleep last night is neither here nor there! 

Onto Dinner for day 2.  Ok.. where, on other diets, can you get such a dinner as 2 hotdogs (bunless) with carrots and cabbage, I ask you!  Followed by another banana and a slightly smaller portion of ice cream.  (Have you noticed yet.. not a single whimper of complaint from Brain?? It's totally given up complaining and is quite intrigued to see what comes next!)  Again, the portion looked tiny on the plate, but by the time I'd munched it down.. it was surprisingly filling!

Day 3 started with 5 crackers, some cheddar cheese and an apple.  Crackers went down fine, as did the cheese, but when it came to the apple, my dormant tastebuds had a major hissy fit, and I just could not finish it.  Again, the texture of it in my mouth was enough to make me want to v...ok you get the idea :( Took me ages though to finish the crackers and the cheese.. why?  Because it was so dry, you had to chew for ages before swallowing. I guess this is a good thing though as it meant I took my time over it, and gave my stomach a chance to tell my now quite receptive Brain that I was full.  It was then jump in the car at 8.30 to head off into Tenby to catch up with a few people.

How you envisage yourself out walking...


Yup.. That's how I felt on Saturday when I was out, the day BEFORE I started this 3 day health plan.  I could hardly put one foot in front of the other and was really scared as to how far gone I had become health wise.

Today, however, there WAS an improvement, as I was walking around town.  Yes, I still had to stop for breath, or lean on the wall, or sit down every now and then, but it was nowhere near as bad as 4 days ago, so I returned home about 3pm feeling quite satisfied by how things are going.   Late lunch ensued - one egg on one slice of toast, which again is great.. love that meal.   

Dinner this evening was the dreaded tuna again, this time with carrots and cauliflower. At this point, I have realised I haven't said much about how much I'm drinking...water that is!   That is another problem I have - I never feel thirsty, so I could go all day with maybe just 1/2 litre or less of water. I know enough now to realise that is a big part of the problem; it causes sluggishness, puffiness and a whole host of other more nasty things.  I have tried to up my intake to a litre and a half at LEAST per day and already feel much perkier, alert and not so puffy. 

Weighing in day is tomorrow morning. I have not gone near the scales once during the past three days, so am quite curious to see what, if anything, I have lost.  I see on reviews that other people have lost between 3-10lbs on this, with one person claiming to have lost 17lb!!  (That is too scary!)  I don't FEEL like I've lost much, but... we'll see.