Monday 29 February 2016

Day 2 of 3 day Diet

Yes.. that's how I felt ^^^ when I saw what I had for breakfast this morning.  Poached egg on one slice of toast was great, as that is one of my favourite quick meals, but the banana afterwards?  Different matter entirely. I think the CAT showed more enthusiasm for this yellow mushy thing than I did! (not that I allowed the cat to eat it.. just before I get complaints! :)  ) 

Anyway.. GOOD MORNING.. And oddly enough, it IS a good morning.  I was awake by 6.30 and for once felt full of energy.  The remainder of yesterday went by fairly quickly.  Lunch was 1/2 (113g) a cup of tuna and 1 slice of toast.  Mmm yes.. right.. I could hear from a very unconvinced brain but it was surprising just how much tuna there was.  And it did fill me up quite well. 

The afternoon was spent quietly with me working on the laptop and the occasional rerun of House M.D.  (only trouble with that is now I think I have half the medical complaints that they were talking about!!)  Very few thoughts of food.. which.. now I think about it.. may have been because I KNEW what I was going to have for tea, rather than sitting there thinking.. what's for tea, what can I have, what have we got in the cupboards.  If I didn't have anything planned, I'd make it simple - a tin of soup, or egg on toast.. nothing that would tax the brain cells too much, as that is my other problem with food.. I'm ... 

I have got to the stage where I just 'can't be bothered'.  Again, is that a sign of depression? Where everything seems just too much effort to even start?  A lot of it IS down to my weight, where it hurts when I move or stand, so in that case I'll sit down again.. Vicious circle. Need to lose weight.. Need to exercise to lose weight, but it hurts, so need to diet first before I can exercise to help  me diet to lose weight.. Lost yet? I am! 

Dinner last night was indeed roast chicken, with green beans (or string beans) and carrots. Didn't look much on the plate, but I wolfed it down before Mr Brain could think of a complaint.  Surprisingly filling again.  Looks like we DON'T need a huge plateful of food to fill us up after all!  Now on this 3 day British Heart Foundation diet, there are foods you wouldn't even think you'd be able to have on a diet.  Cue dessert - 136g of ice cream and a medium sized apple.  (DON'T!!!... I mentally slap Brain before it rebels at the sight of fruit.. but brain has been seduced the the sight of Ice cream so all is well!)  Again, another surprisingly large portion and at the end I was totally replete.  Not the 'omg I am so bloated I may never move again' type of replete, but the 'ahh that was perfect' type.

So.. end of day one came, and having downed almost 2 litres of water throughout the day, I felt things had gone well.  I did have a fairly good nights sleep which is quite rare for me so all ended well. 

This morning, apart from the Banana episode, again all is good.  For the first time in a very long time, my fingers/hands were not swollen/puffy when I woke up and I feel alert and ready to go.  By 9am I had already done a fair bit of work on my Selling page (I work from home) and the washing up. I may even live dangerously and hoover today. (Those that know me will be now stepping back in horror and saying Who are You and What have you Done with Niki) 

Lunch time will be interesting though, as it is 5 plain crackers and an obscenely HUGE amount of Tuna.. 226g to be precise! Almost DOUBLE of what I had yesterday.. Oh and I just took a peek at tonights dinner.  Oh look.. another banana (Wilting.. from Brain but other than that, no complaint.. this is a first!!) 


  1. Eating right has its benefits and I'm glad I took the first steps in doing the military diet and losing weight in the process. While the diet is low carb, it helped me with calorie control and visual food portion management. I learned a lot about food and the importance of water and exercise in having a great body. Today, I am eating more healthy food and drinking tons of water to help me feel full and to hydrate. Here's a great site that gave a lot of tips and info regarding weight loss
